I actually enjoy Christmas shopping. I love the buying of "loot" for others (especially kids) and anticipating their opening it days/weeks/months down the road. I love searching through wish lists, standing in line at stores and hunting down great sales. I love trying (generally unsuccessfully) to come up with new, original or even just unexpected ideas of what to grab for people. I love hiding the loot, wrapping the loot and then showing off the wrapped/hidden loot in oblique manners to pique the curiosity of the intended gift recipients.
I may be a bit insane for liking all of these things. But so be it.
What I DON'T like is budgeting for Christmas. This year, we've had unexpected car repair bills, unexpected medical bills, the unending headache of mortgage and credit card payments, and a trip to DC for my daughter looming juuuuust over the horizon. Because of budgeting headaches, I think I can understand why some people don't like Christmas, or at the very least don't get as excited about it as perhaps they used to. I'm trying -- desperately trying -- not to become one of those people. It's tough, but I know I can do it.
To everyone who may be feeling a bit dragged down by the whole "sick of gift buying/gift budgeting" flu this holiday season, here's what I tell myself when I feel the bite: keep your chin up. You'll work through it, just like you always have. And, in the end, you'll be a happier person for all your efforts. :)
(This unusually chipper blog post brought to you by the letter "A", for: Accountant who's finally done with stupid a$$ meetings for the day...)
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