I don't want my silly miniatures hobby to take over the new blog here...but it is one of my only hobbies, so I'd be doing myself a disservice if I didn't at least mention what's going on with that. Rather than go into gory detail, however, I'll keep posts about the DDM Deserts of Desolation League bare bones: following this post, I'll just list Warbands used for any given match, the map that we played on, who my opponent was and the match results (including the final score). I'll also post what new figure I acquired (we're using the "Sideboards" option that we've used in the past, wherein we get to roll for a random miniature to add to our reserve ranks for use in building our warbands).
We haven't had any DDM Leagues here at work in a while (the last one was for Unhallowed, which was well before GenCon), so I'm excited, as much for the opportunity to play with the nutjobs here at work again as I am to finally get my hands on some Desert of Desolation figures.
So, without further ado, my pull from my two boosters were...well, they were crap, but here they are anyways:
Rage Drake (65)
Nightmare (44)
Drow Spider Priestess x2 (43, Commander 4)
Blood of Vol Fanatic (30)
Drow Blademaster (22, Commander 2)
Shadow Mastiff x2 (17)
Snaketongue Cultist (17, Commander 2)
Black Woods Dryad (16)
Tiefling Rogue x2 (11)
Flame Snake (8)
Merchant Guard x2 (8)
Boneshard Skeleton (7)
Hmmm...while I'm not too excited about all of the duplicates, I love the Rares (the Rage Drake and the Nightmare), and even after a core of those two figures and a commander I still have some room to experiment and mess around.
My first version will look something like this:
Mount(s) Doom!
Drow Spider Priestess (43 points, Cmdr 4)
Rage Drake (65)
Nightmare (44)
Blood of Vol Fanatic (30)
Shadow Mastiff (17)
5 Activations, 199 points
Map: Magma Keep
I'll post abbreviated match reports as they occur (the League doesn't actually begin until Monday the 12th). In the meantime, I'm off to finish watching "Apolcaypto" (which thusfar is very, very good) and to finish up some writing. I'll try to put an excerpt from Chapter One up in the next few days.
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