The only thing I don't like about "Lost" is that most other shows just can't even compete with it for my attention. Do I know every secret and every connection? Do I fully comprehend what the heck is going on and where things are going? Do I have my expectations on how things should turn out so I can be disappointed when the ending doesn't fit my theories? The answer is "Heck No!" on all counts, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Lost" is, quite simply put, a continually intriguing, exciting, and entertaining slice of intellectualized science fiction/mystery, and, in my humble opinion, it's getting better and better as it rolls along. Some have accused "Lost" of spinning its own wheels or being directionless, but I almost hesitate to acknowledge those arguments. "Lost" is consistent with delivering what it's viewers have come to expect. It is a show that delights in presenting mysteries, not solving them. It is a show that delights in the journey as much as -- if not more than -- the destination. It is a nigh unsolvable labyrinth of Byzantine connections and intriguing plot twists.
In the end, when the series is finished and all secrets have been revealed, the payoff will probably pale in comparison to the build up that got us there, but no matter: I've thoroughly enjoyed the journey much more than I have with almost any other television show I've ever watched, and I'm glad to be a part of the "Lost Experience", wherever it may end up going.
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Just don't get too fired up for season 4...unless the WGA strike is resolved then season 4 will be 8whole episodes
8 is better than none! :)
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