While I'm nowhere near to being finished with this silly little project, I surpassed my 50,000 word requirement for Nanowrimo (though my week has been so crazy I honestly couldn't tell you if it happened yesterday or today). "The Ending Dream" isn't even remotely finished (I've barely scratched the surface on Part One of the novel, to be perfectly honest) and I won't even say it's my best work (my writing has taken something of a strange turn this year...which isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you), but it was a fun distraction, and since I'd so long intended to work on this project I'm going to try my best to keep rolling with it. Of course, I also have about four novels worth of already written material that desperately needs revision...oh, well, one thing at a time.
In other news (and I should have blogged about this days ago), M&M (or "Mom & Michael", as they're more popularly referred to) are moving to Washington! Michael actually arrived on Tuesday after a very lengthy drive, and we're excited to have them about...it'll be nice to add to the repertoire of local family folks (and it seems that my baby bro may be joining us, as well...it's going to get crowded, I think).
In the meantime, I'm going to lay off on the excessive blogging for a while. My darling wife signed me up for Nanoblowpo...no, wait...Nanoblomo...wherein one was supposed to blog every day for the month of November. Well, I nearly did it (one post was eaten, and I missed one day this week), but in the meantime I'll be back to my once a week or so blog postings.
November is nearly finished -- have a great weekend, and bring on December! I can take it! (Wait, no...not in the face!!!!...)
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