Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Random Music Video of the Week

Rob Dougan's "Clubbed to Death". This is a fun video with some nice visuals and vintage 1930s era fashion, and it's all fun to watch even if it doesn't make a tremendous amount of sense. Oh, and don't wait for the lyrics to kick in...there aren't any.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Help: I'm In Michigan and I Can't Get Up!

I'm here in Michigan visiting my wife's family, and things have been truly awesome. DWs family lives in a beautiful home surrounded by green, tons of beautiful birds that come and visit every day, and a house large enough that I can actually make some noise in the morning and not worry about waking people up on the other side of the house. (As I write this, DW and DD are still asleep.)

DS and I have enjoyed shooting some hoops outside, while everyone got to go and catch a movie last night after a fun dinner out. Today we're going to go and hit the DW's aunt's house for dinner, and tomorrow we're going to an amusement park. And none of this stuff was even on the brochure!

I am pleased to say that I have not thought about work once since we've arrived (until now, where the thought of work arrived only long enough for me to realize that I hadn't thought of it...) Unfortunately, eventually, I'll have to go back and feed the work demons a bit more of a soul, but for the next few days I'm going to continue to enjoy the first true vacation I've taken in years. :)


Friday, July 11, 2008

My Favorite George Carlin Routine

Be warned, it's chock full of foul language...but man it's funny.

RIP, George

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Very Brief Summary of Summer Films Seen to Date

No frills reviews. Quick, to the point, and easy to digest. All reviews are out of 4 stars.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
(previously reviewed)

The Incredible Hulk
Hulk smashes, and he smashes well. A nicely paced first half devolves into a too-long finale where computerized monsters whack each other endlessly. Norton is good as Banner, and Tim Roth once again proves he's a great villain. Loud, cheesy summer fun.

Still not a fan of McAvoy, and the whole thing was a bit too far in the Funny Nihilism filmmaking camp, but this visually stunning film is never dull and has more action, explosions and logic-defying stunts packed into its 110 minutes than all three Matrix films combined. Morgan Freeman has some wickedly memorable lines; I'll never think of looms the same again; and Angelina Jolie looks good nekkid.

Unjustly panned by critics everywhere, Hancock is a tightly paced, efficient superhero flick with loads of attitude, humor and a surprising amount of heart. The film doesn't have the most airtight of plots, I grant you, but the excellent direction, energetic performances and eye-popping production values more than overcome the films few shortcomings. Will Smith is the man. Peter Berg is rapidly becoming one of my favorite directors. My favorite summer movie so far.

The Dark Knight
(coming, say, when it's released)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It's hard to blog...

When you're so busy Plurking.

It's been a busy week at work here, and the family is just gearing up for the 4th, and we're also getting ready for our big trip to Michigan to visit my in-laws at the end of the month. Have a safe and happy Independence Day (watch out for the aliens), and, if you're lucky (or unlucky) I'll have something more substantial to blab about next week.