Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Birthday Burgers, Proximate Relatives, Revision Deadline

And now, your general update on my wacky life.

Happy birthday to my son, who turns the ripe old age of 6 today! We spent the day having doughnuts with his class, visiting Burger King and Toys R' Us, and later playing with various bits of birthday-related booty and growing large on Alton Brown's "manly" sliders, homemade sweet potato fries and dark chocolate cake. All in all, a great time. ;)

I find myself going in cycles when it comes to food. Every time I get serious about trying to get fit and lose weight, I somehow wind up consuming my body weight in burgers and not getting to work out at all over the course of an entire week. I have somehow managed to lose roughly 7 pounds since the end of February (an accomplishment I am very proud of), but since I haven't worked out at all this week and ate at Burger King today, I think I may be back down to having lost only 2 pounds....but oh, well.

My Mom is moving to town, which will be fun: my wife and I have been trying to get our parents to move out to Washington since we arrived some 4 1/2 years ago. (Since my mom is getting here before hers, I'm pretty sure the DW owes me a plush banana.) My brother-in-law will also be coming into town for about a week: it'll be nice to have a fellow rivet-head* about.

In the meantime, various tax returns, company bonuses and funds from article writing have given us a nice financial push; my children continue to demand more attention and care than actually exists in the known universe; and my wife is as beautiful as ever. I'm hard (mostly hard) at work revising "Darker Sunset", with a self-imposed deadline of September 15th of this year. We'll would be very nice to get the revision/type-up done once and for all so that I can actually work on getting this damned thing published.

*A rivethead is someone that listens to Industrial Music, particularly aggro-industrial music. If you actually needed to read this footnote, consider yourself lame.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

RIP Gary Gygax

Thank you, Gary, for creating such an exciting and enjoyable hobby. D&D brought me together with people in the way few other things have. D&D was how my family spent their nights when we first moved to a city far from home; it was how I exercised my mind and relaxed all through school; it was the one thing that my friends could all share, even when we felt ourselves growing apart.

Thanks, Gary -- and I wish you nothing but natural 20s at that big gaming table in the sky.