Monday, June 16, 2008

Best Father's Day Weekend...EVAR!

Another Father's Day has come and gone, and it was, in a nutshell, totally awesome. DW got me Alton Brown's "Manly Food" edition of Good Eats on DVD and a big gift certificate to go catch all of the those summer flicks I've been so excited about (not to mention a deluxe CD set that's still on the way); DD drew me an original picture of a family of bears (exceptionally well done, currently on my "desk" at home) and a home-made card; and DS also got me a card, as well as a home-made barbecue brush and a complimentary bottle of BBQ sauce. Vast, unhealthy quantities of burgers, corn dogs, and barbecue chicken were consumed by all, we played some basketball, did some fiddling around the house and even took the kids biking...and all this with my DW and DS being sick! You guys rock! (And, as if all that weren't enough, I got to watch some "for Dad's eye's only" bloodshed in the form of the new Rambo movie...what more could a guy want?! :)

It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend. I'm fairly certain I don't deserve a family this great...;)

I Love You Guys!

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