Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Have Not Posted In About 4 Months...

...and that's just inexcusable. It's also because I discovered Facebook, where blogging anything more than a few words long is just overrated. It's like blogging for people with ADD.

Life has been busy, busy, busy. We have chickens. We have bikes. I'm ready to run a D&D game again. The kids are growing waaaaaay too fast. We have a garden. We're slowly but surely getting rid of the unwanted detritus in our yard. DWs yarn business is going well, and she has a big show coming up in August. Basketball post-season is nearly done (GO MAGIC!!). The weather is nice. Life is good.

Since I share most of my random thoughts on Facebook, I'll probably go back to using this blog as a repository for D&D and writing related topics. I'll try to label such posts, and I'll probably start with some of the campaign background for my upcoming "Black Dawn" campaign, a steampunk inspired 4th Edition setting that has kept me quite busy as of late. Hopefully that will go up before October...

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