Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekend Sailing (or, Why My Wife is So Friggin Awesome)

My wife is the coolest woman in the universe.

This weekend, she sent me on a day-long sailing class. I'd looked into sailing very briefly a few weeks ago, more as sort of a whimsical "wouldn't that be cool" sort of a thing. And lo and behold, before I know it, I'm in a class learning the 56,438 different nautical terms that identify the little metal piece on the front end of the foresail, getting confused by the physics of tacking versus jibing, and then I'm out on the water, hoisting the mainsail, adjusting the traveler and grinding the foresail lines. What a day! I'm going to look more into sailing, now, I think (as well as *ahem* learning to swim), because the entire day was just a blast.

We followed up with a very tiring Mother's Day, which started with breakfast provided by my wife's new rice cooker and that culminated in dinner at my mom's. All in all a fun (but exhausting) weekend.

And, to wife rules. Eat that, "other" wives!!!

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