I love the holidays. Not so much the last-minute frantic present purchasing, the indigestion from overconsumption of trans-fat laden dips and chocolate treats, or the inescapable hangover from consuming far too much eggnog, but the general...cheer. Both of my children were tremendously excited about Christmas this year (that's not saying much for my hyperactive 5-year-old son, but it speaks volumes in regards to my near comatose 13-year-old daughter), and while it took some time for my wife and I to catch the Christmas bug ourselves, we eventually did.
And boy am I glad.
My son was literally bounding up and down like a jackrabbit on a sugar rush when he rose (surprisingly late at 0730) on Christmas morning, and both he and his sister tore through their gifts with relentless aplomb. Everyone got plenty of loot (between my wife and I we acquired "Lost Season 3", "Battlestar: Galactica Season 1" and "House Season 2", and it was only last night that we finally had the time to push our way through the rest of the 3rd season of "Scrubs"..suffice to say, we've got plenty of tv to catch up on...). My son has been playing his new video games almost non-stop (just as my wife and daughter have been extensively playing Viva Pinata on the new XBOX 360...yes, Santa got a little jolly this year...). And I...well, I've been watching the shows, hanging out with the kids, and above all enjoying my time off. I haven't had to get up before 7 a.m. in almost 10 ten days (which is a sublime feeling), and I've become about as lumpy and couch-potato like as one can imagine.
But it hasn't been all fun and games!
Deciding that the roll of fat that has slowly but steadily creeping around my mid-section is a) not an alien entity, and b) not going away on its own, my wife turned me on to a great website called
SparkPeople, which, among other things, has a great tool for tracking your daily calorie and fat intake. Just seeing the information compiled before your eyes is almost enough to motive you to stop eating altogether. (You never knew how many calories "light" popcorn had...). With the aid of exercise (I walk at least 2 miles every weekday, and three times a week I throw in 35-45 minutes of cardio exercise when I have the time), I may actually start to look less like Jabba the Hut and more like a young Obi-Wan Kenobi. (I feat that reference made little sense, but you get the idea...).
I've also decided that I need a new hobby. Right now my past times consist of a) writing (which I have done little to none of in about 2-3 weeks), b) playing D&D Miniatures online (this is pretty much what I do when I'm not hanging out with the family or working), and c) watching movies or TV. Earlier today, after having my poverbial a$$ handed to me in two games of D&D minis games in a row versus some fine European opponents and getting extremely cranky about the results, I came to a realization. While I do indeed hate to lose (and, for the record, I generally lose badly...I can admit it...), it's not the losing that upsets me so much as the feeling that I suck at the ONE hobby/pasttime of mine that I've really kept up with. Its a terrible feeling, like a runner realizing he doesn't know how to sprint, or a knitter who fails time and again to construct something as rudimentary as a dishcloth. The more I ruminated on my two unfortunate losses, I came to realize that the most fun I've ever had playing DDM is when it was NOT my primary focus or hobby (such as during
NanoWrimo). You see, I have what you might call an obsessive personality, and I tend to focus on one thing (hobby, job, whatever) with such psychotic intensity that I have been known to actually give myself cramps. This is bad, for such intense compartmentalization lends to my acting like a completely moody dick. And no one wants that, least of all me.
Now, the obvious answer is "Start writing again, dip$hit"....and I will (woe be the world at large). But this is 2008! Time to buck some trends! I want to try something else, a new craft or hobby that I've never tried before!
I just have no idea what. Maybe a "Dad" type hobby, something involving power tools and wood chippers (my wife shudders at the thought, recalling how I nearly severed my right finger in a Village Inn back when I sold knives...). Maybe something crafty to express my Carson Creely side, like knitting, latch hook or embroidery. Or maybe something completely nonsensical and deranged, like improvisational taxidermy or freestyle bison lancing.
Who knows -- if you have any suggestions (oh, ye 8 readers o' mine), drop me a line -- I'm willing to try anything at least once!
In any case, Happy Holidays to all!